Declaration concerning the processing of personal information
This declaration explains how privacy is safeguarded by the NG Group in connection with the processing of personal information relating to the notification of unacceptable circumstances in the business.
Submission of wistleblowing form
The submission of whistleblowing notifications in the NG Group is in accordance with the provisions of the Norwegian Act on the Processing of Personal Data (the Personal Data Act) and its regulations (the Personal Data Regulations). Personal information means information and evaluations linked to an individual. The Norwegian Data Protection Authority's license regulates the NG Group's processing of personal information.
If necessary for the follow-up and implementation of the whistleblowing notification, personal information may be made available to third parties.
The overall data processor is the CEO of NG Group. Questions can be sent by e-mail to If the whistleblowing notification affects other companies within NG Group, these will also be data processors.
Your rights
Providing your personal information in connection with the whistleblowing notification is voluntary. You have the right to receive information about what personal information we process and how we process it. It is important that the information we have about you is correct. You can request that we correct and delete information about you if it is erroneous or unnecessary, cf. the Personal Data Act Sections 18, 27 and 28. The data processor deletes personal information when it is no longer required to fulfil the purpose of the collection of it.