NG Nordic Backs EUs Ambitions on the Clean Industrial Deal and the Omnibus Proposals
This deal presents a crucial opportunity to position the EU as a global leader in the circular economy by 2030, however achieving this goal requires concrete actions and industry commitment, says Runa Opdal Kerr, Chief Impact Officer at NG Nordic.
The Commission raises the stakes by aiming to double the circular material use rate from 11.8% today to 24% by 2030. Reaching the targets would require use of the whole tool back: harmonized market for waste, market-pull for recycled products and diverting the waste streams that can be recycled and reused from incineration and landfillings.
The Commission has maintained its ambition also in Climate Policy. 2040 target of 90% net greenhouse gas emissions reduction remains as well as target of being fully decarbonized by 2050. NG Nordic are very pleased to notice that the Commission is aiming to acknowledge the use of captured carbon in a wider range of products – an objective we have been lobbying for.
We strongly encourage the Commision to include municipal waste incineration to the EU Emissions Trading System. It would be a win-win for circular and climate policy, as the inclusion will give a boost to recycling investments, as the cost of incineration would increase.
We welcome the simplification proposal for sustainability reporting from the Omnibus package, but remain a strong advocate for transparency and harmonization of reporting standards. The complexity of the initial ESRS requirements with a fast pace of implementation risked skewing efforts towards reporting instead of real action