NG Group invests in eco-friendly vehicles
NG Group is making significant strides toward a greener future by incorporating more biogas and electric trucks into its fleet. This year, the group plans to introduce four electric and fourteen biogas trucks as a part of an ambitious environmental strategy.
NG Group has recently invested in new electric and biogas vehicles to modernize its fleet. This initiative not only enhance the competitiveness in bids but also attracts both new and returning customers by highlighting its environmental profile. Henrik Kvalem, Head of Group Sourcing, emphasizes the group's commitment to industry leadership and meeting the growing market demand for sustainable solutions.
- We have been patient in our search for vehicles that meet our range requirements. Now, we have found solutions that optimize both performance and efficiency, says Kvalem.
The new electric trucks will operate in the Norway's Agder region, where the milder winter conditions will ensure optimal efficiency.
Positive feedback from drivers
Another key reason for the investment was the necessity to reduce the costs associated with maintaining and operating the old vehicles in the fleet. Frank Lillevik, Logistics Manager at Norsk Gjenvinning AS, mentions that the process has been smooth, thanks to clear and precise communication at all levels.
- I want to thank Jørn Fredr Holden, Fleet Manager at Central Logistics. His expertise and support have ensured that the purchases were carried out without issues, says Lillevik.
He further explains that the drivers were initially skeptical, but their response has turned very positive.
- Drivers in Oslo have reported that the vehicles are easy to drive and provide a quieter and more comfortable work environment without noise. They have also mastered the charging routines and are now meeting the efficiency target for the number of containers, says Lillevik.
- Refueling the biogas trucks has also proven to be simpler than expected, thanks to good training and support, concludes Lillevik.