Executive committee

Bjørn Arve Ofstad
Group CEO

Espen Krey Brettås
Group CFO

Runa Opdal Kerr
Group CSO

Are Strøm
CEO Urban Reuse, EVP NG Group

Thomas Mørch
CEO at Zirq Solution, EVP NG Group

Andreas Lindstrøm
CEO Recycling & Sustainable Resourses, EVP NG Group

Jon Bergan
CEO Green Transition and Technology, EVP NG Group

Roy Hammer
CEO Green Metals, EVP NG Group

Lin Cathrine R. Austbø
Group Chief People & Organization Officer

Mette Egli
Group Chief Technology Officer
Head of administration

Hege Marie Edvardsen
To reach Management in NG Group, please contact:
Board of Directors

Bertrand Camus
Chairman of the board

Åge Nordstrøm Landro
Board member

Hannah Gunvor Jacobsen
Board member

Reynir Kjær Indahl
Board member

Aurelia Marie Binet Carrere
Board member

Gintautas Blanka
Employee representative, Saneringsteknikk AS
Elisabeth Johansen
Employee representative, Teamleader, Norsk Gjenvinning AS
Tom Erik Løchen
Employee representative, Key Account Manager, Norsk Gjenvinning AS